Friday, September 30, 2011

My Town

Sakai city (堺市) is a town that I live in now. Sakai is a historied town and is a town where an edged tool and a bicycle are famous.
My town has the biggest ancient keyhole-shaped tomb in the world. It called Daisen-Kohun 大山古墳(仁徳天皇陵). 

Full length : 486m
Width : 305m
Hight : 35m
This was made about 1500 years ago.
Daisen-park (大山公園) adjoins beside Daisen-Kohun.
People do running with their dogs around Daisen-Kohun and Daisen-park in early morning.  When I was a high school student, I belonged in swimming club. Our pool was outside so we couldn't swim in winter season. We used to run around Daisen-Kohun instead of swimming. 

It takes about 1 hour to walk 1 round.  There are several animals in a moat like turtles, swans, carp etc. In spite of being forbidden, some people do fishing.  And you can see many Japanese maple in fall. In the park, there is a history museum of Sakai. Sen no Rikyu is a famous person from Sakai. He is very famous in the world of the tea ceremony.

Also my town has a very tall city office.  A city office has 21st floor.  Height
 : 94m

There is an observatory in the highest floor of a city office, and not only the daytime of a fine day but a night view looks very beautiful, you can enjoy yourself all day long.  

From an observatory, you can command a view of 360 degrees and, of course, can also see Daisen-Kofun. 
On sunny day, I could see Kansai airport and WTC tower. 
There is a cafe in top floor so you can see night view with drinking coffee. that is so good.

1 comment:

  1. I wanted you to focus on your specific neighborhood rather than your whole town. Do you live near the park? I have been to the deaf school near there a few times. A recent Gaidai graduate teaches there. I would like to read more about people and culture rather than landmarks.
